Sources |
- [S366] Origins of New Mexico Families (A Genealogy of the Spanish ColonialPeriod), 163.
Nicolas Duran y Chavez was twenty-four and a resident of Atrisco when hehad at least one natural child, already four years old in 1714, when hedecided to marry its mother, Juana Montano, of Santa Fe. The weddingtook place on July 20, 1714. She was the sister of two other Montanogirls, Magdalena and Leonore, who had married his brothers Antonio andLuis. The men were second cousins of the women. Niclas acquired muchproperty south of Isleta and appears in several land litigations.
- [S366] Origins of New Mexico Families (A Genealogy of the Spanish ColonialPeriod), 234.
Three known sons were Jose, Juan and Lucas. Three of their daughters,Leonor, Magdalena and Juana, married three Duran y Chavez brothers, Luis,Antonio and Nicolas, respectively. A fourth, Polonia, became the wife ofSalvador de Santisteban.
- [S367] Archives of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Albuquerque Marriage Records, Reel #26, Frame 0129.
En tres de Feb de mil setiecientos y trienta y dos.....Joseph Duran yChavez hijo legitimo de Nicolas Duran y Chavez y de Juana Montaño conMaria Luisa de Aragon hija legitima de Ignacio de Aragon y Luisa Baca,defuntos.....
- [S367] Archives of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Albuquerque Marriage Records, frame 0126.
En doze de Sepe de mil setecientos viente y nueve......
Franco de Silba hijo legitimo de Antt. de Silba y de Gregoria Ruiz conRossa de Chavez hija ligitimada Nicolas de Chavez y JuanaMontaño.....Tesitogos Geronimor Xaramillo y Gertrudis de Silba
- [S370] New Mexico Roots Ltd., 308.
1761, April 4 (No. 3) Albuquerque. Don Juan Duran y Chavez (28), españolof Isleta parish, son of Don Nicolas Duran y Chavez and Da. JuanaMontaño, and Da. Magdalena Varela (18), española of Alameda, d. of DonPedro Varela and Da. Casilda Gonzales, deceased.
Witnesses: Mateo Jose Pino, notary of Isleta; Bernardo Padilla (36) ofthe same parish, Don Pedro Padilla (28) of Plaza S. Andres. Pair marriedApril 16, 1761.
- [S370] New Mexico Roots Ltd., 308.
1762, April 20 (no. 16), Isleta. Don Bernardo Duran y Chavez (42),español of S. Clemente, son of Capt. Don Nicolas Duran y Chavez and Da.Juana Montaño of S. Clemente, and Maria de la Luz (28), india de NacionAa. Witnesses: Mateo Jose Pino, notary; Sr. Juan Franc;isco Moya (45),Sr. Antonio Varela (43) of Tome, Sr. Joaquin Bustos (30) of Santa Cruz.
- [S371] The Chavez Family, 4.
Fernando Duran y Chavez II, married Lucia Hurtado de Salas. Theseindividuals had ten children together and Fernando had a natural daughterby another woman. The children were:
Isabela Duran y Chavez, who was born in 1679, married Jacinto Pelaez in1700 and then Baltazar de Mata in 1705 and lastly to Eusebio Real deAguliar in 1718.
Maria Duran y Chavez, who was born in 1688, married Antonio Ulibarri in1710.
Catalina Duran y Chavez, who was born in 1691, married Matias Miranda in1711.
Clara Duran y Chavez married Juan de la Mora Pineda.
Bernardino Duran y Chavez, who was born in 1676, married franciscaMiziquia in 1699.
Pedro Duran y Chavez, the elder, was born in 1677, and married JuanaMontoya in 1703, and then Gertrudis Sanchez in 1728.
Antonio Rosalido Duran y Chavez, who was born in 1678, married MagdalenaMontano in 1706.
Francisco Duran y Chavez, who was born in 1681, married Juana Baca, theyounger, in 1713.
Luis Duran y Chavez, who was born in 1683, married Lenor Montano in 1707.
Nicholas Duran y Chavez, who was born in 1686, married juana Montano in1714.
Pedro Gomez Duran y Chavez, who was born in 1706, married Petronia Martinin 1737.
- [S379] New Mexico Marriages and Baptisms San Augustin de la Isleta, 9.
Frame 395
6 April 1756 - Francisco Duran y Chavez, Spanish, s/Capitan Dn NicolasDluran y Chavez & Juana Montaño, m. Maria Getrudis Albarez Castillo,d/Juan Miguel Albarez del Castillo & Barbara Baca, dec. Test: NicolasMontoya & Dn Matheo Pino. Pad: Domingo de Luna & Maria de Luna.Dispensed: by Bishop of Durango of 2nd with 4th degree of consanguinity.(Entered twice.]
AASF #37, Isleta Marriages.
- [S384] The Adobe Kingdom, 44.
Chart I: Parents of the First Century, Baca Family
Isabel de Bohórquez 1586 (md) Pedro Durán y Chavez 1556
Issue: Fernándo Durán y Chavez I (md) (MarÃa) Carvajal HolguÃn
(their issue): Fernándo Durán y Chavez ca. 1641 (md) LuÃsa Hurtado deSalas
(their issue): Nicolás Durán y Chavez ca 1686 (md) Juana Montaño
- [S397] Chávez, A Distinctive American Clan of New Mexico, 131.
In 1719 Nicolas acted as a pre-nuptial witness giving his age astwenty-six, hence born at El Paso del Norte around the year 1686. He wasthe sixth son of Don Fernando, and also residing with the family inAtrisco when he took the third on of the Montaño sisters to wife. Hername was Juana Montaño. This took place on July 20, 1714, when theyalready had at least one boy who was four years old.
- [S399] "The Genealogy of the Late Honorable Dennis Chavez of New Mexico", 17.
Manuel Chavez was the son of Bernardo Chavez, who Fray Angelico Chavezhas confused with his brother, and Maria Francesca Quintana . BernardoChavez was the son of don Nicholas Duran y Chavez and Juana Montano.
- [S400] The Spanish Recolonization of New Mexico, An Account of the FamiliesRecruited at Mexico City in 1693, 367.
Gertrudis Silva, b. ca. 1690, Mexico City; md. Gerónimo, b. ca.1681-1686, son of Cristóbal Varela Jaramillo and Casilda Cedillo Rico deRojas. Known Children
3.1 Jose Jaramillo, bt. 23 January 1710, Albuquerque, New Mexico; md. 4October 1727, Albuquerque, to Francisca Hurtado, parents unkown./ KnownChildren:
4.1 MarÃa Rosalia Jamamillo, bt. 23 January 1728, Albuquerque, NewMexico; md Juan Bautista Montaño. Known children:
5.1 Francisca Apolonia Montaño, b. ca. 1750, md. ca. November 1766,Albuquerque, to Felipe Baca, b. ca. 1743, son of Marcos Baca and MarÃa deSilva.
5.2 Juan Jose Montaño, español, , b. ca. 1754, and in October 1778 hesought to marry MarÃa Dolores Baca, b. ca. 1763, española, daughter ofManuel Baca and Margarite Tafoya.
5.3 MarÃa Antonia Montaño, española, b. ca. 1762, and in November 1778she sought to marry Jose Miguel Baca, b. ca. 1756, son of Manuel Baca andMagarita Tafoya.
5.4 Blas MarÃa Montaño, b. ca 1767, of Tome, sought in June 1788 to marryJuana MarÃa Sánchez, b. ca. 1770, daughter of Dionisio Sánchez and MarÃaLuisa Padilla.
4.2 Ignacio Timoteo Jaramillo, español, bt. 20 January 1731, Albuquerque,New Mexico.
4.3 Antonia Jaramillo, md. Andres Romero, son of Felip Romero and AnaChavez. Known children:
5.1 MarÃa Catarina Romero, bt. 17 May 1776, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
5.2 Ann Gregoria Romero, bt. 23 August 1778, Albuquerque, New Mexico
5.3 Josefa Romero, md. 15 May 1782, Isleta, New Mexico to Francisco Durány Chavez, widower of MarÃa Gertrudis Ã�lvarez del Castillo, son of NicolásDurán y Chavez and Juana Montaño.
5.4 MarÃa Gertrudis Romero, española, md. 17 November 1783, Isleta, NewMexico, to Baltazar de los Reyes Durán y Chavez, español, son ofFrancisco Durán y Chavez and Gertrudis Ã�lvarez del Castillo.
- [S403] New Mexico Prenuptial Investigations, From the Archivos Históricos delArzobispado de Durango, 1760-1799, 38-39.
Gertrudis Chavez (ONMF: 163) wife of Francisco Silva (ONMF: 289) was nota daughter of Nicolás Durán y Chavez as documented in Origins of NewMexico Families by Fray Angelico Chavez. Prior to marriage, Nicolás hada son, Juan Jose by Juana Montaño. While (he) was traveling out of NewMexico, Juana Montaño had given birth to a boy christened Nicolás and waspregnant with her third child, Gertrudis, when Nicolás return to NewMexico. Nicolás, the younger, and Gertrudis, natural children of JuanaMontaño, were said to have been fathered by "a decent man named Urbán".Nicolás Durán y Chavez was forced to marry Juana Montaño.
This information comes from the testimony of Antonio Chavez, half-brotherof Gertrudis Chavez, given during the pre-marital investigation of JoseManuel Silva and MarÃa Josefa Silveria Sánchez.
- [S366] Origins of New Mexico Families (A Genealogy of the Spanish ColonialPeriod), 77.
Three known sons were Jose, Juan and Lucas. Three of their daughters,Leonor, Magdalena and Juana, married three Duran y Chavez brothers, Luis,Antonio and Nicolas, respectively. A fourth, Polonia, became the wife ofSalvador de Santisteban. Several of the children were born at Guadalupedel Paso during the twelve-year exile. These were Jose, Luca, anotherJose, Polonia, Lenor, Madgadelna and Juana. The last three became thewives of three sons of Don Fernando Duran y Chavez.