Sources |
- [S366] Origins of New Mexico Families (A Genealogy of the Spanish ColonialPeriod), 281.
Francisco Sánchez and Josefa de Chavez [Spanish Archives, Volume I, No.864] had the following children: Juan Cristóbal born September 21, 1726,who married Juana de Chavez, September 24, 1758; [AASF B-2 and M-3,Albuquerque]; MarÃa Barbara, born Decmeber 26, 1730, who married JoaquÃnPino in 1763; therefore, presumably, Teresa, wife of Mateo Jose Pino;Diego Antonio, who married Ana MarÃa Alvarez del Castillo, April 6, 1756[AASF M-11, Isleta], Marcos, husband of Margarita Valdes; [DM, 1763,Albuquerque, no number]; and JoaquÃn, who married Ana MarÃa Padilla in1769. [AASF, DM 1769, Albuquerque, no number.]
- [S379] New Mexico Marriages and Baptisms San Augustin de la Isleta, 9.
6 Apr 1756 - Diego Antonio Sanchez, Spanish of Tome, s/Francisco Sanchez,dec. and Josefa Duran y Chavez, M. Anna Maria Albarez del Castillo,Spanish, d/ Juan Miguel Albarez del Castillo & Barbara Baca, dec. Test:Fernando Chavez & Domingo de Luna. Pad: Dn Matheo Pino & BarbaraSanchez. Dispensed: by Bishop of Durango of 3rd w/4th degree ofConsanguinity.
Frame 394
AASF #37, Isleta Marriages
- [S379] New Mexico Marriages and Baptisms San Augustin de la Isleta, 46.
Frame 545
6 Sep 1789 - Manuel Anto Arago, s/Manl de Aragon & Ma Vallejos ofValencia, m. Mariana Anto Sanches, d/Diego Anto Sanches & Anna Ma Albaresdel Castillo, of Belen. Pad: Vicente Chavez & his wife, Juana Aragon.Test: Estevan Padilla, Toribio Garcia & Pedro Padilla. Wit. to theceremony: Dn Manl de Arteaga, Dn Franco Garcia & Dn Mariano Peña.Dispensed: 4th degree of consanguinity.
AASF, Isleta Marriages #37
- [S379] New Mexico Marriages and Baptisms San Augustin de la Isleta, 43.
Frame 535
7 Nov 1787 - Dn Juachin Lain, Spnish, wid/D. Josefa Tafolla of Sta Fee(sic), m. Maria Michael Sanches, d/D. Diego Anto Sanches & D. Anna MaAlbares del Castillo of Belen. Test: Estevan Garcia, Jose Castillo &Franco Chavez.
AASF, Isleta Marriages #37