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- John Garrison was born 1733, married Susannah Crosby, daughter of David Crosby and Reliance Hopkins, and he died 1796. Noted on his will was that he was the son of Aaron Garrison and the grandson of John Garrison (who was perhaps married to an Ann Remsun?). John served in Colonel Wessenfel's Westchester County 2nd. Regiment, New York 21st. Brigade.
William D. Garrison, one of the most prominent representatives of the Garrison family, so long identified with the life and growth of Putnam county, and the present well known manager of the "Grand Union Hotel," in New York city, is descended fom Gerret Gerretsen, who came to Staten Island in the "Gilded Beaver," in 1660. Of this original settler little is known except that he was an honest and God fearing man. This is clearly shown by a certificate of character, written in the Dutch language, and now in the possession of Mr. Hartman Van Wagenen, South Bergen, N. J., of which the following is a correct translation:
"We Bergomasters, Schehens, and Councillors of city of Wagennin Declare: by these presents, that there appeared before us, Hendrick Glissen and Jordiz Sparers, citizens of this city, at the request of Gerret Gerretsen and Anna Hermansse, his wife. They have testified and certified, as they do by these presents, that they have good knowledge of the above named Gerret Gerretsen and Anna Hermansse, his wife, as to their life and conversation, and that they have always been considered and esteemed as pious and honest people, and that no complaint of any evil or disorderly conduct has ever reached their ears; on the contrary, they have always led quiet, pious and honest lives, as it becomes pious and honest persons. They especially testify that they govern their family well, and bring up their children in the fear of God, and in all modesty and respectability. As the above named persons have resolved to remove and proceed to the New Netherlands in order to find a greater convenience, they give this attestation, grounded on their knowledge of them, having known them intimately, and having been in continual intercourse with them for many years, living in the same neighborhood.
" In testimony of the truth, we, the Bergomasters of the city have caused the secret seal of the city to be imprinted on this paper.
"Done at Wagennin 27th November, 1660.
"By the ordinance of the same,