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Louis I or Louis the Pious
Fr. Louis le Pieux or Louis le Dbonnaire, 778-840, emperor of the West(814-40), son and succe ssor of Charlemagne. He was crowned king ofAquitaine in 781 and co-emperor with his father i n 813. His court was alearned one; his advisers included Benedict of Aniane. At the Assembl y ofAachen (817) he issued an imperial order that sought to preserve theunity of the empire b y breaking with tradition and not dividing theempire among his heirs. He thus made his eldes t son, Lothair I,co-emperor and gave Aquitaine and Bavaria to his sons Pepin I and Louisthe G erman. Louis's attempts to create a kingdom for Charles (laterEmperor of the West Charles II) , his son by a second marriage, provokedseveral revolts by his older sons. In 822, Louis repe nted publicly forhis persecution of the rebels. In 830, Lothair rebelled and becamevirtuall y sole ruler of the empire. However, Pepin and Louis the German,fearing Lothair's supremacy , soon restored their father to power. Anotherrevolt by all three sons occurred in 833. Loui s met the rebels nearColmar on a field known since then as the Field of Lies (Ger. Lügenfeld) because of the general defection of the imperial troops. Louis, compelledto surrender, was fo rmally deposed, and Lothair became sole emperor. Yetin 834, Louis the German and Pepin once m ore joined against Lothair andrestored Louis. Later he partitioned his empire between Lothai r andCharles and died while attempting to uphold the partition against theAquitanians and Lou is the German.