Sources |
- [S384] The Adobe Kingdom, 44.
Chart I
Parentsof the First Century, Baca Family
Cristóbal Baca I (md) Ana Ortiz Pacheco
(issue): Juana de Zamora Baca (md) Simón Perez de Bustillo 1576
MarÃa Villanueva Ortiz Baca 1582 (md) Simón de Abendaño ca 1580
Isabel de Bohórquez 1586 (md) Pedro Durán y Chavez 1556
Antonio Baca 1596 (md) Yumar Perez de Bustillo 1591
Alonso Baca ca. 1601 (md) unknown
- [S384] The Adobe Kingdom, 42.
The Baca children, especially the girls who were young women when theycame to New Mexico were soon marrying and establishing families of theirown. Juan married Simón Perez de Bustillo; Isabel, don Pedro Durán yChavez I; and MarÃ, Simón de Abendaño. Neither Juana nor Isabel couldhave had the slightest inkling that within two decades, they would beinvolved in arguably the greatest family tragedy to be suffered by thecolony.