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There is a branch of the Rael family of New Mexico that was founded by aman named Pedro Marci al Rael who was married with Ysabel Cedillo. Thisman was an illegitimate son of Alonso II Rae l de Aguilar (see Beyond ONMFVolume 5). He may be the same person as Pedro Marcial López, a r esidentof Alameda, who was married with Ysabel Cedillo on 8 October 1730,Albuquerque (ONMF: 2 08).
The 1750 census of Santa Fe has this listing: "Marcial Rael; Ysabel;Maria; Manuel Paulin; 3 c hildren" (Olmsted, SMCNM, 10).
Pedro Marcial's full name is given a prenuptial investigation record forLazaro Bartolo Rael , 1745, son of Pedro Marcial Rael and YsabelCedillo (Chavez, NMR, 1526, DM 1764, Apri l 25, no. 5, Tomé). LazaroBartolo Rael was seeking to marry Juana Paula Vallejo, 1746 , adaughter of Bernardo Vallejo and Francisca Silva.
Another son of Pedro Marcial Rael and Ysabel Sedillo was Manuel PaulÃnRael who married Juan a Catarina Ã�ngel on November 5, 1753, Santa Fe, withEstevan RodrÃguez (the son of the famed t own crier of Santa Fe andmilitary drummer of Governor Vargas, Sebastián RodrÃguez) and Manuel Ortiz as witnesses. The marriage record for this couple does not nametheir parents. Both wer e identified as españoles. Four years later,Manuel PaulÃn Rael enlisted as a soldier of the S anta Fe Presidio in theplace of his father on April 1, 1757. The military enlistment paper fo rManuel Paulin identifies his parents as Pedro Rael and Ysavel Cedillo.Manuel PaulÃn was 22 y ears of age (born about 1735 according to thisrecord), 5'3" tall, with reddish hair and eyebr ows, heavy beard, blueeyes, and fair skin. He used a mark to sign his papers, rather than asi gnature. He was discharged from military service on July 1, 1779(Olmsted, Spanish Military Ex nlistment, 53; SANM Roll 21, fr. 755).
PaulÃn Rael and Juana Catarina Ã�ngel had twelve children that werebaptized in the Church of S an Francisco de Asis in Santa Fe between May1755 and February 1783. Among their compadres wer e José Rael and JulianaAntonia RodrÃguez (see bt. September 1, 1765, Santa Fe). Paulin's full name was given as Manuel PaulÃn Rael when he and Juana Catarina Ã�ngelwere the godparents fo r an orphan infant that was baptized in Santa Fe onFebruary 12, 1764.
The 1790 census of Santa Fe provides some valuable information on PaulÃnRael and Juana Catari na Ã�ngel. He was described as being español, age 61,indicating he was born about 1729. He gav e his occupation as farmer. Hiswife, Juana Catarina, was desribed as being "color quebrado, " brokencolor, indicating she probably had brown color skin as opposed to fairskin, and quit e likely had some African or mulato lineage. Her age waslisted as 57, indicating she was bor n about 1733. At the time of thiscensus this couple had three sons, one daughter and one niec e living intheir household (Olmsted, NMSMCC, 69).
At this time, the origins and parentage of Pedro Marcial Rael (aka PedroMarcial López) have n ot been determined. In all likelihood he was a son(legitimate or even possibly illegitimate ) of Alonso Rael de Aguilar (d.10 April 1735, Santa Fe -ONMF: 263) or one of his elder sons.
Researcher: José Antonio Esquibel
Sources: Fray Angélico Chávez, "New Mexico Roots Ltd.," 1526, DM 1764,April 25 (no. 5) Tomé ; Virginia L. Olmsted, Virginia L. Olmsted, Spanishand Mexican Censuses of New Mexico 1750-18 30, New Mexico GenealogicalSociety, Albuquerque, p. 10; Virginia L. Olmsted, New Mexico Spani sh andMexican Colonial Censuses, 1790, 1823, 1845 , New Mexico GenealogicalSociety, Albuquerq ue, p. 69; Virginia L. Olmsted, 'Spanish EnlistmentPapers of New Mexico 1732-1820," Nationa l genealogical Society Quarterly,Vol. 68, No. 1, March 1980, p. 53; Archives of the Archdioce se of SantaFe (AASF), Roll #15, Santa Fe Baptisms; AASF, Roll #31, Santa FeMarriages.